My dear friend and confidant Jay Hughey (college
frat bro), whom I've shared many
of life's up's & down's with first made this recipe for me one night as roomates
fresh out of Texas, in Los Angeles.
It is his father, John Hughey's tried and true.
It is absolutely mouthwatering !
The following is paraphrased from the Hughey
Family Recipe Book:
"Take two big fat rib eye steaks and beat
those suckers flat."
Then rub with fresh garlic and butter. Dust with a mixture
of flour, pepper, and dry mustard or wasabi powder.
In a large heavy skillet heat 4 tblsp. butter and 2
tblsp. olive oll.
Add some chopped onion and sliced garlic. Saute steaks until red
only in the center. Remove steaks and hold in oven until sauce is ready.
The Sauce: put the drippings back in the pan
and add 1/2 chopped onion
and 1/2 sliced clove of garlic. Saute until translucent.
Add one cup red wine. Simmer sauce until runny but just short of gross.
Pour over steaks and serve.
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